As toddlers grow older, they become more inquisitive and active.
Our toddler teachers support your child’s desire to take initiative and explore various developmental activities inside and outside when the weather permits.
Our innovators’ complete daily activity sheets, encourage your toddler to communicate verbally and with signs.
Our innovators also engage in interactive reading, participate in early math and language activities, and practice many gross and fine motor movements to optimize physical development.
We support:
Breastfeeding babies- we are happy to warm bottles for you and feed your baby warm bottled breast milk
Diet restrictions:
Below is a list of supplies we ask that you provide while your toddler is in our care.
It is Required that all Items be labeled.
Diapers/Wipes: Diapers and wipes must be labeled with your child’s name upon arrival.
Weather appropriate change of clothes: Outerwear (shirts & pants) and underwear (including t-shirts and socks)
Fitted sheet and blanket: To be taken home weekly (Fridays) to wash.